My interests lie at the intersection between software systems and the physical world. I want to make progress on problems that haven’t been solved before.
I’m an incoming CS PhD student at UC Berkeley. I’m also currently working on robotics and simulation at NVIDIA. My papers are listed here.
Previously, I studied Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. I spent time at the Robotic Systems Lab at ETH Zurich. I also worked at the PAIR Lab at the University of Toronto. Earlier on I helped found Flatten, was a student on FIRST Robotics team 4774, and interned at the ACFR, amongst other things.
Here’s my CV.
I’m an Irish-Canadian, and have also lived in Switzerland, Australia, and Czechia.
I can be reached via email at or via DM on Twitter.
I track books on Goodreads. But if you’re looking for a recommendation, Proust is the GOAT.